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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You're Reading What?! #7

You're Reading What?! is a meme designed by me. It's designed for everyone to share their current reads. Read more about it HERE. Feel free to leave comments. Also, if you would like to participate, you can leave the link in the comments section and I'll be sure to check out your post.
 So, everyone, if you haven't noticed, I've been slightly...absent from my blog. Do you want to know why? Because my AP teachers feel that because it's an AP class they can throw a ton of homework at me. Like I don't have better things to do? I do spend most of my day at school, then I'm expected to go home and do even more schoolwork! It's absurd!

Anyways, I'm sorry about my rant, but honestly, I'm a little frustrated. I want to read! And by golly(yes, I am using that work), I love my books. So, expect me to be absent on and off. I'm trying to learn how to balance my blogging schedule(which includes reading) with my school schedule.

Currently Reading:
I've been stuck on the same book pretty much due to the reason above. Hopefully, I'll finish it soon.

The Dark Unwinding: I've been reading this book for what feels like a really long time now. I'm actually not enjoying it that much, but I want/have to finish it and post my review, which is so late right now! So, I'll see if it gets better....
East: From what I've read, this has been deemed an amazing book. I do like fairytale retellings, although probably not as much as Debz from Debz Bookshelf, but I still find them enjoyable. So, I have high expectations from this book. I haven't actually started it, but I plan to soon.

NOTE: If you would like to participate in this meme, feel free to go and leave the links below in the comments section. Or read more about it by clicking here.

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