Incandescent Enchantments: Incandescent Enchantments was created on June 18, 2011. Here, reviews about books will be posted, along with anything else book related, including book tours, author interviews, cover reveals, and what not. This is an outlet from the everyday world.
Celise: Celise Winters is the pen name that I decided to use for Incandescent Enchantments. My real name is Sophia. Now that I've been blogging for longer than a year, I regret not using my real name. But, it's too late to use Sophia, since most people know me as Celise Winters. Anyways, I, obviously, love to read. I've been reading since I can remember. It's almost like I was born reading. Young adult is my favorite genre, and more specifically, I prefer fantasy and paranormal romance. I hope you like my blog, and if you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Sol: Just thought I would include a little snipped of my life. This is my awesome reading companion, Sol. His name means sun in English, by the way.
I love reading. I'll read almost anything but my favorite would probably be YA. And I am a HUGE fan of the Hunger Games.