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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday Star [1]

Welcome everyone to the first Sunday Star ever! I hope you all will stick by for a long time, because I want Sunday Star to be a great success, and benefiting all bloggers. So, let's welcome our first guest!

Blogger: Tess the Best
Blog: My Pathway to Books
First, Tess is going to give us a short description about herself.
Hey I am Tess, the author of My Pathway to Books, which is my YA book blog, and I have just in the past year really gotten into reading! I just recently made my blog an Indie only blog because I love to read and promote their books. I am a college student who loves Chemistry! I am a book nerd, kindle lover, and a read-aholic! I am a Princess because I am a daughter of the King of Kings!

Now, let's move on to the questions!
Why did you start a blog?
It was on a complete whim! Last summer I was completely bored, so I did what every other bored person does, got on my computer. That day I set up my twitter account, goodreads account, and blogger. When I first set up my blog, it wasn’t even a book blog. It was just a blog about life and it was called Live, Laugh, Love (so original right?). Then I started reading a ton of books and wanted a way to keep up with my thoughts and that is where this madness began. 

How did you come up with your blog title?
When I was in Savannah, GA, I was looking at a bunch of art shows and noticed that I have this crazy obsession with Pathways. Every time I would see a painting of a path I would fall in love so I knew I wanted to incorporate that in my blog somehow.

How long have you been blogging?
Officially I started July 2011, but I really wasn't blogging regularly about books until October 2011.

What do you think is your biggest accomplishment as a blogger?
With every follower I get, I feel more accomplished.  I do a little happy dance with each new one I get and even as my blog gets bigger that won't change!  I think my BIGGEST accomplishment was passing all my classes this semester while blogging!  I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to balance school and blogging but it was difficult! I still haven't mastered that balancing act, but I hope to get better at it! 

What are your top 5 favorite books? Authors?
Redheads are Soulless by Heather M. White
Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout
Madly by M. Leighton
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Wishing for Someday Soon by Tiffany King
Heather M. White
Addison Moore
M. Leighton
Chelsea Fine
Jane Austen

What are three things you never leave home without?

Which book character would you love to have dinner with? Where would you go?
Daemon from Obsidian
At the lake behind his house. We would sit on the rock having a pb&j and we would probably fight the whole time. 

What do you do when you aren't reading?
I'm on twitter A LOT! I'm also a student so school work tends to get in the way of reading.  I also really love crafty things: scrapbook, cake decorating, knitting, etc.

How would you describe your personality?
I am extremely outgoing, and I like to talk A LOT!  I also like to be in charge, but I'm not the bossy kind (at least I don't think I am ).  I also really love to laugh.  I am definitely the person that laughs at any and all jokes! I am also one for spontaneity and going with the flow! 

How many book do you read per week? How often do you post on your blog?
I read about 2-3 books per week (that's during the school year idk how many I will read on summer weeks) During the school year, I posted about 4-5 times a week, but since school has been out I have posted everyday (I'm playing catch up).

Thank you Tess, for being with us today! I hope all of my followers will take a look at her blog sometime!

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