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Friday, June 27, 2014

Review: Death Sworn (Death Sworn #1)

Title: Leah Cypess
Author: Death Sworn
Series: Death Sworn, #1
Age Group: young adult
Format: hardback
Pages: 344
Release Date: March 4, 2014
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Source: public library
ILENI IS LOSING HER MAGIC. And that means she's losing everything: Her status as the renegade sorcerers' most powerful rising star. Her purpose in life. The boy she loves. Her home.
Exiled to teach sorcery to the assassins deep within the mountains, she expected no one will ever hear from her again. The last two tutors died within weeks of each other. As Ileni unravels the mystery surrounding their deaths, she'll uncover secrets that have been kept for decades--and she'll find an unexpected ally and dangerous new love.
But even he may not be able to protect her. Not when she's willing to risk EVERYTHING.
As I was finishing up the last few pages in this book, I kept fervently wishing that the book would never end. This is probably the best book I've read so far this year. That may not be saying much, since I haven't been reading like I normally do, but still. It counts for something.

Ileni was so amazingly awesome. It was just so frustrating that she's losing all her powers. I kept wanting her to do some serious physical damage when she used her snarkiness on people. But that is a major plot point in this book, so I guess she couldn't go all badass sorceress on us, or there would be no story to her discovering herself without her powers. And, she didn't cling so much to her man, Sorin. She was at times weak, but she still held her firm ground and threw him to the side when she needed to assert herself.

The plot itself is really good! There's the whole big bad Empire, which I hope to see a lot more of in the next book. Hopefully, all's not as it seems, as I'm hoping. (Maybe the Empire isn't all bad? Psychological twist, perhaps?) I want to meet Tellis, Ileni's old beau, and Sorin's invisible competition! There should be a love duel. Sorcerer against assassin. I'm down for that. And then, of course, there's the whole magic/sorcerer(ess) and assassin thing going on. I'm all for the magic side of things, but it would be nice being able to kill someone with a spoon or something. Magic's still better, though.

Just go get the book, pretty pretty please. It's really amazing/fantastic/interesting/intriguing/etc...

 My Rating:

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